guo pengfei's profile

World of Warcraft

How to farm gold in wow?
The Garrison has made farming gold extremely easy.  Pick a couple crafting professions, do the daily work orders, and just craft away.  Coming into this expansion, I had ~100k gold.  Not too much, but enough to be comfortable.  

During the course of this expansion, I've made probably 1 million+ gold (currently sitting on ~450k), almost entirely through professions/garrison (I'm LW/Eng on my monk, the only character I play).  I could make even more money if I were willing to put in the time and run a Salvage Yard and spam out follower missions, across multiple characters.  I have a guildie who does this, and she has 11 characters at lvl 100 (one for each class), and she does all of their garrisons, every day.  I dont have anywhere near the endurance to do that, but she makes bank doing it (she has 2-3 gold capped characters).  

It honestly doesn't take much to make money right now.  Put in a few minutes each day to do your garrison, and you can make plenty.
World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft
